Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Close up at 100x magnification, you can see separate cells

Okay, I tried to do a cross section of my leaf, but obviously it wasn't executed very well (it was the best I could do, I swear), but you can see the veins close up.

Close up of root at 100x magnification. You can see the vascular bundle pattern (oooh, it's pretty) in the dark center part.

This is a cross section of the root at 4x magnification and it's the BEST root sample in the class (oh yeah!).

Close Up of the cool stem cross section at 100x magnification.

Okay, so this is a picture of my stem cross section slide at 4X magnification. My plant, which Mr. Gosh says is some kind of philodendron (or something like that), is obviously a dicot because of the arrangement of the vascular bundles.